- Stay Calm
No matter what happens freaking out only makes things worse. You put of that 10 page history paper off until the night before, don't sweat it. Take deep breaths and calm down. When you are worried and stressed, it only makes the situation worse because you are making things to seem harder than they are. Yeah it wasn't a smart idea to wait for the night before, but hey that's life. Listen to some chill music, drink a nice hot cup of tea, and get down to business.
2. Do Something you Like
Most of the time when we have tons of homework, and extracurricular on our schedules, we forget to set aside much needed relaxation time for ourselves. So please, make time for you because you are important! Even if it's just short little moments were you listen to your favorite song and jam out, any time where you are doing something you enjoy helps you wind down from the hectic and activity filled days. So blog, write, read, paint, anything relaxing to you, or do anything that would release stress
3. Socialize
I can not stress how important it is to make sure you have a social life. I'm not saying that you have to go ragging keggers every weekend, but a nice shopping day with your friends, or even just vegging out at home watching tv shows and ranting. Having someone you trust to talk to and hang with is a necessity of high school, and life in general. Friends are people that are always there for you, and chances are they are going through the same thing as so you can just have hour long vent sessions about what you are going through at school, or life in general. Set a date to hang out with best friends.
4. Have Fun
The main purpose of high school is to prepare you for college, but it's also supposed to be a learning experience. It's not a torture chamber, it's supposed to help us learn and grow as people, so make the most of it! Go join clubs, student councils, go to the dances, do whatever you can to be involved in those 4 years. You want to be able to look back at high school, and reminisce on the great times you had. So go out and have fun!
So these are 4 key things that I think are key to mastering the art of school
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