Quote of the Week

This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

These are my Confessions

So it has been an eternity since I have last written, but a lot has happened. I finally finished my first year of high school, and it was not as bad as I had expected it to be. Frankly, it was a lot more boring than I expected. This summer though is ten times better than what I ever imagined it would be.  This was truly my summer of firsts. I'm not going into gushy details about my summer, because no one has time for that, but the highlights of my summer where: going to camp and meeting a ton of really awesome people, and working at my school's summer program, which was a blast and I got to meet a ton of really amazing and talented kids. Overall this summer was kind of a blur, and now that it is coming to a close I'm very sad to see it go, even though I've been bumming around my house these past few weeks.  I could keep rambling about all the great things I have planned for next year but I'd like to surprise people. I hope everyone has a great rest of their summer, or great beginning of their school year.

Jamie out.

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