Quote of the Week

This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break Blues

Hey Blogoshpere! Whats up! It's spring break over here in Chicago for my school, and it has been burning hot for the past week and a half. I thought I would have all these plans and things to do, but I ended up just staying home and hanging out with my family. Tell me what you did over spring break leave a comment and tell me!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Birthday!

Sorry bloggers that I have not been posting in a while. School has been really hectic, and i've been swamped with stuff to do. But now i'm back and i'll be posting a lot during Spring Break. So guess what today is? MY BIRTHDAY! My parents are taking me shopping as one of my birthday gifts and I am super pumped. My older sister came back from college, and I get to see my big brother. So I must bid you farewell for right now, but I will be back soon with more news about my fashion, and birthday treats!
